2015년 12월 12일 토요일

Should abortion be legal?

There are pro-choice and pro-life groups.
I take the stance on pro-choice. I believe you, yourself is the most important being in one's life. If you accidentally got into pregnancy, but you do not want the baby, or you are in no circumstance to raise the baby, you can make the choice to abort the baby. I believe the choice is up to the mother.
However, I would like to share my experience. When I accidentally got into pregnancy while I was busy raising my little kids, I decided to make abortion. I didn't have any feelings about them at that time. Now I get older, sometimes it comes to my mind that I have killed life. You can say they are just fetus or embryo, but still, it has life. So, I really regret that I have done a bad thing. So, what I recommend is to have a planned parenthood and be serious about pregnancy.
South Korea eases rules on kids' late night gaming

Shutdown rules( which forces kids under the age of 16 to stop playing online games) imposed three years ago will now be lifted upon parental request, the government stated.

1. What kinds of games did you play in the past? (or are you playing now). Please share interesting game stories of your own.
-When I changed my cellphone to a smartphone few years ago, I learned to play a cellphone game called Anipang. First, you have to be connected to Kakaotalk. Playing the game is easy. You have a limitation of one minute to play each set of game. On the screen, many animals appear.  You move to make same three animal face in a row of vertical or horizontal. Then they will explode.
The interesting thing about this game is you can give or receive hearts from your Kakaotalk friends. If you score highest, it will give you confidence as well.
Once I was so addicted to this game, I went to bed with my cellphone, and played for hours every night in the dark.  However, after I got so farsightedness due to the game, I believe, I stopped playing. It was such interesting experience, though.

2015년 11월 22일 일요일

Featured report : Catmom

Here are some of the questions we have prepared (there might be differences in class).

1.      Who should compensate for the dead woman in this catmom incident? (the kid, their parent, apartment?)
2.     Should apartment rooftop entrance be opened?  (Under the law, the entrance should be open at all times to help with evacuation in case of fire or other emergencies. However, some claim that the entrance to the rooftops should be locked at all the time, because many crimes happen there, including sexual assaults and fire pranks.)
3.     What is your feeling towards catmoms?  (Those who look after stray cats in apartments)
4.     Should there be stricter rules for the juveniles that are under 12, since we do not have any amendment to the juvenile law since 1953?
5.     What suggestions do you have when a person kills another person by accident?

To save Paris, defeat ISIS

What happened in Paris is a tragedy. Many innocent people have died, and France's attacks on IS has begun. I am very sad at all these issues. However, regardless of the French government's stance, I see hope in France people. Few days after the incident, people changed from fear to activeness. Instead of hiding, people came out to the streets, showing pictures of them sitting in cafes on SNS. I see courage in the people. Revenge brings bigger revenge. Instead of fighting IS, I hope the world would find ways to console them. Their anger, and why so many young Muslims apply for IS. But, my hopes will not come true, I guess.  I feel sorry for the people who have passed away.

Voting ban on prisoners

1. Do you believe the prisoners should be given the vote?  Why?
I believe the prisoners should not be given the vote. It takes a lot of money to make the prisoners vote.  Why waste time and money? While prisoners are in jail, I think they would be deprived of their rights.

2. Switch your stance and try to persuade your partner.
I believe all prisoners should be given the right to vote, because it is the right of every human being. Though they have done misdeeds, it doesn't mean they have lost their right as human beings. So, I think we should give them the right to vote whatever the result of their sin.

Korean history textbooks

 I think people have controversy on whether the government should write history textbooks or not. The point here is that people do not trust the government or at least they do not believe that the government write text books which will be correct. My point of view is that instead of making a new government written textbooks, we should make more history textbooks with different point of views.

Meok bang

1. Have you ever watched any 'Meok bang' shows?
I watched many food programs on TV, but today's video program that Bo Kyung showed us was a little bit different. It was from Afreeca TV which I saw for the first time. There was nothing to turn my interest to, and showed only about food. It was interesting.

2. Do you think this is related to our economic and social conditions of Korea?  Why?
Yes, I think it is. Economic crisis in our country seem to make younger people harder to find jobs, to buy houses, or to have more luxuries that older people used to enjoy. So nowadays people tend to spend more time on basic needs like eating.

3. What kind of eaters are you?
I am a picky eater.  I like meat, but I don't enjoy fish that much. I like sweet things but I do not like hot, spicy foods. I like white rice, but I detest mixed grains. So, as you can see, I am a very picky eater.